Patient list | | Glossary of terms Carolina Raptor Center
22431 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2019-05-16
Final date2019-09-30
Days in captivity137
SpeciesBLVU - Black vulture
Fracture - humerus, left

Cause of injury: Unknown

Body grab only
Carry and weigh in box
Easily imprintable
Non-releasable on admission

Found in Candor,NC
Montgomery county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate13718.202493.40
Total  3213.40

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images


2019-09-30 09:36 ces/me
Weight: 1880 grams
Flight has drastically improved. Soaring 1/3 length and less asymmetry. We decided to release him.

Release record
Band/tag number
Band size
Released bySue Thompson
Huntersville, Mecklenburg county, NC

2019-09-29 15:00 BAH/KJL
Leftovers: 46
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 284 g Rat, cut open

2019-09-29 10:00 RH

Group entry: 2 animals
Exercised 12x
Both perched, BAR, gliding well


[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - Would fly from high perch at right side
of enclosure to ceiling about 3/4 length and then back to same perch, wouldn't fly
all the way to other perch.

2019-09-28 12:45 rep/me

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 285 g Rat/ck, cut open
206 g Cks LO - rem

2019-09-27 12:10 KF

Group treatment: 4 patients
536 g ck (+vit +Ca); LO: 562 g

2019-09-27 09:27 DLE

Group entry: 4 animals
Exercised 14x good.

2019-09-26 12:29 ces/me

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: none
Lots of LO from yesterday - left
did not add any new food; birds have been on "vulture diet" and getting too much

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
reduce food

2019-09-26 11:50 fs/mkf/rjo

Group treatment: 4 patients
1249g R c/o 641g lo ck + scraps

2019-09-25 12:15 RTS

Group entry: 5 animals

2019-09-25 08:33 ces

Flight eval
Exam date - 2019-09-25
Examiner - ces
Loud, labored flight at take off. Dips down a little and then soars the last few feet to perch.

2019-09-24 11:00 nen/bt

Group treatment: 5 patients
1144 g R, 797 g lo(R)

2019-09-24 10:15 nen

Group entry: 5 animals

[22431] / HY / UNK - very flappy and labored when leaving the perch, but glides to
perch, 12x
[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - grabs ceiling and dips low, OMB > 6, 12x
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - seems disoriented but flies well, sym 12x
[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - OMB > 8, glides, sym 12x
[22740] / 22083/orange / HY / UNK - glides, sym, 14x

2019-09-23 11:00 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 5 patients
1212g R +vit+ca

2019-09-23 10:42 sat

Group entry: 5 animals

[22431] / HY / UNK - 9X- onlly flew full length 2X and then would fly 3/4 of way
and then go to the ground
[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - 14X - flew, glided, and perched well
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - 11X - flew, glided, but did not perch well
[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - 14X - flew, glided, and perched well
[22740] / 22083/orange / HY / UNK - 12X - flew, glided, but did not perch well.

2019-09-22 15:05 bah
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 5 animals
Food in cage: 1,191 g Rat cut open

2019-09-22 10:30 rh

Group entry: 5 animals
All perched, BAR, flew 12x.

[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - Would fly to ceiling and then back to same
perch on higher end of enclosure everytime.

[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - Would touch wall of enclosure during flight -
either side. Would change direction a few times just before attempting to perch,
did this about 5 times. Went to ground about 4x but always flew back up to perch

2019-09-21 12:35 LEH

Group treatment: 5 patients
1213g R, 371g LO skins (r)

2019-09-21 10:32 amp

Group entry: 5 animals

[22431] / HY / UNK - 12X, spent some time on ground running, good flight and landings
[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - 14X, good flight and landings, some gliding
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - 14X, okay flight and landings, some wall
touches before perch
[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - 14X, okay flight and landings, some wall touches
before perch
[22740] / 22083/orange / HY / UNK - 14X, good flight and landings, gliding

2019-09-20 12:30 KF

Group treatment: 5 patients
1135 g R c/o (+vit +Ca); LO: 370 g R

2019-09-20 09:39 DLE

Group entry: 5 animals
Exercised 12x good

2019-09-19 11:55 mkf/fs/rjo

Group treatment: 5 patients
1213g R c/o 165g lo

2019-09-19 09:24 me

Group entry: 5 animals
Exercise 12-14x.
[22431] / HY / UNK - 14x
[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - 14x
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK -18x
[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - 18x
[22740] / 22083/orange / HY / UNK - 18x

Flight eval
Exam date - 2019-09-19
Examiner - me
flew 14 x cage length, reluctant, loud and struggling, wing asymmetry

2019-09-18 11:58 RTS

Group entry: 5 animals

2019-09-18 10:44 kjl

Group entry: 5 animals
Exercise 13x, BLVU 12x. BLVU ran 3x of the 12. 22672 crashes or does not fly the
full length of enclosure. 22711 crashes most of the time. 22740 is flying great and
flies to perch each time

2019-09-17 14:57 rmb
Leftovers: 98
Group entry: 5 animals
Food in cage: 1,176 g Rat

2019-09-16 10:23 sat

Group entry: 4 animals

[22431] / HY / UNK - 10X - flew, glided and perched well
[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - 14X - flew, glided and perched well
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - 14X - flew, glided and perched well
[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - 12X - flew and glided well, but sometimes would
go to ground before perching.

2019-09-15 13:40 rem/kjl/bah
Leftovers: 550
Group treatment: 4 patients
925g R, LO skins and some food

2019-09-15 11:40 FLM

Group entry: 4 animals
BAR for exercise.
all flew well 12 - 13x.
no color: forced takeoffs, issues with L wing. but good overall.
yellow/light blue: some overshooting perches and OMB. no issues with flight.
purple: flew well 13x. no issues, occasionally overshooting perches.

2019-09-14 13:10 LEH

Group entry: 4 animals
998g R/m, 1210g LO (r). LO look to be from past few days, not only yesterday

2019-09-14 11:23 ah

exercise: flew perch to perch x4 when he landed on the ground and started running, flew up to perch again then landed on the ground and just ran back and forth while exercising the other birds.

2019-09-13 13:00 KF

Group treatment: 4 patients
915 g R c/o (+vit +Ca)

2019-09-12 12:25 fs/mkf/rjo

Group treatment: 6 patients
1401g m lo scraps

2019-09-12 10:25 me

Group entry: 6 animals
Exercise 12-14x.
[22431] / HY / UNK - 10x
[22626] / Left 7,8 blue / HY / UNK - 0x
[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - 17x
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK -15x
[22696] / L # 8 & 9 red / HY / UNK - 10x
[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - 13x

Flight eval
Exam date - 2019-09-12
Examiner - me
flew cage length 10x, fast but struggling for most of length, very little gliding

2019-09-11 11:52 RTS

Group entry: 6 animals
225,225,225,225,225,225gCutOpenR+Vit&Ca, NoLO

2019-09-11 10:38 kel

Group entry: 6 animals
Exercise 14x. One of the BLVU (possibly 22431) would rather run from one side to
the other, would not fly and kept right wing close to the body. 22671 & 22672 both
crashed 1 time.

2019-09-10 14:35 rmb
Leftovers: 419
Group entry: 6 animals
Food in cage: 1,407 g Rat, cut open

2019-09-10 11:25 nen

Group entry: 6 animals

[22431] / HY / UNK -
[22626] / Left 7,8 blue / HY / UNK -
[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - glides, sym, OMB > 4, 12x
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - glides, sym, OMB > 8, dips low, 12x
[22696] / L # 8 & 9 red / HY / UNK -
[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - glides, sym, 12x
2 BLVUs flew 10x well, the other trotted (no flight)

2019-09-09 11:15 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 6 patients
1474g R/M +vit+ca

2019-09-09 09:51 sc

Group entry: 6 animals

[22431] / HY / UNK - 11X - flew, glided, and perched well
[22626] / Left 7,8 blue / HY / UNK - 11X - flew, glided, and perched well
[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - 14X - flew, glided, and perched well
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - 13X - flew, glided, and perched well
[22696] / L # 8 & 9 red / HY / UNK - 0X - would not fly - juvenile BLVU
[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - 10X - flew, glided and perched fairly well.
Sometimes would go to top of cage before perching.

2019-09-08 14:20 kjl/bah
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 6 animals
Food in cage: 1363 g Rat cut open

2019-09-08 11:00 rh

Group entry: 6 animals

[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - Perched, QAR, gliding well.
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - Perched, QAR, gliding well.
[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - Perched, QAR, wing would touch side of enclosure
during flight, perched well.

BLUV's - 2 where perched, QAR, gliding well, flying to perches. 1 was on the ground
and would not attempt to fly, just running, QAR, slight right wing droop.

2019-09-07 13:15 LEH

Group treatment: 6 patients
1456g R, 948g LO (r). LO appear to be from past few days, not all from yeterday

2019-09-06 11:45 KF

Group treatment: 6 patients
1472 g R c/o (+vit +Ca); NOLO

2019-09-06 11:36 bs

Group entry: 6 animals


[22671] / 22088/yellow / HY / UNK - Flew 19x; quiet.
[22672] / 22085/light blue / ATY / UNK - Flew 20x; assymetry; flying low; quiet.

[22711] / 22073/purple / TY / UNK - Flew 20x; would touch side wall of enclosure
with wing when in flight.

Two of the BLVU (not sure which) each flew 8x and were both flying low. The third
BLVU just hobbled around on the ground during exercise.

2019-09-05 11:55 fs/mkf/rjo

Group treatment: 6 patients
1337g R c/o lo scraps

2019-09-05 10:16 /fs

Group entry: 6 animals
Exercised 12x's.

2019-09-04 11:41 RTS

Group entry: 6 animals

2019-09-04 11:20 lrm

Group entry: 6 animals
exercised - all flew 12+, except one BLVU. Could not tell which one it was, but
he just ran around

2019-09-03 11:58 ces

Group entry: 6 animals
Food in cage: 646 g R, 296 g R

2019-09-02 11:28 bs

Group entry: 3 animals
14X - two flew, glided, and perched well. Were not banded/color so could not determine
which BLVU they were
0X -juvenile BLVU would not fly at all, would only run on the ground

2019-09-02 11:00 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 3 patients
714g SQ +vit+ca

2019-09-01 13:50 BAH
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 3 patients
715g R cut open Leftovers: some skin

2019-09-01 11:05 FLM

Group entry: 3 animals
BAR for exercise.
BLVU with fuzzy head was running, not flying. 12x.
both other birds: noisy/forced flight, but gliding and perching. 12x.

2019-08-31 11:45 AH

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 666 g R, cut open + vit + ca


2019-08-31 09:27 amp

Group entry: 3 animals
downy head - stayed on ground, but would run lengths and spread wings occasionally
BLVU1 - 14X, flew up to ceiling midflight and occasionally landed on ground (not crashing),
but would fly back to perch
BLVU2 - 14X, good flight and landings, some gliding

2019-08-30 12:00 KF

Group treatment: 3 patients
712 g ck (+vit +Ca); NOLO

2019-08-30 09:38 DLE

Group entry: 3 animals
Exercised 14x, good flight except one on the ground did 6 laps back and forth on

2019-08-29 12:10 fs/mkf/rjo

Group treatment: 3 patients
641g ck lo scraps

2019-08-28 12:08 RTS

Group entry: 3 animals

2019-08-27 10:00 nen/ces

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage:319 g r, cut open . Exercise 12-14x.
don't know who's who but one flew well, gliding and sym, and the other has a wing
droop, very flappy and labored, although a bit of gliding for the last couple of
lengths. both flew 12x

2019-08-26 11:24 BS

Group entry: 2 animals

[22431] / HY / UNK - Flew 15x; loud (slightly); flying low.
[22696] / L # 8 & 9 red / HY / UNK - Flew 15x; loud (slightly); flying low.

2019-08-26 11:15 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 2 patients
477g R +vit+ca

2019-08-25 14:15 BAH/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 2 patients
501g R cut open
skins and bone leftover

2019-08-25 11:36 FLM

Group entry: 2 animals
BAR for exercise.
both flew 12x.
one would often bounce off of the ceiling midway and then go to ground.
the other was noisy and forced flight, especially on takeoffs.

2019-08-24 11:38 me/rep/ah
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 489 g rat TOTAL IN CAGE; nolo

2019-08-24 09:05 amp

Group entry: 2 animals
BLVU1 - 14X, often flew up into ceiling midflight (sometimes twice in one length),
toward end of exercise would fly low/land on ground and run to perch, then fly up
BLVU2 - 14X, fast flight, good landings

(unable to determine which BLVU was which)

2019-08-23 13:25 KF

Group treatment: 2 patients
508 g Sq c/o (+vit +Ca); NOLO

2019-08-23 11:00 BS

Group entry: 2 animals

[22431] / HY / UNK - Flew 14x; flying low.
[22696] / L # 8 & 9 red / HY / UNK - Flew 14x; flying low and will occasionally land

2019-08-22 10:12 des

Group entry: 2 animals
Increase exercise

2019-08-22 10:10 fs

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 566 g SQ


2019-08-22 09:07 mkf

Group entry: 2 animals
Exercise: Both flew 10 lengths well.

2019-08-21 11:55 klz/ces/rjo

Group treatment: 2 patients
251, 250g Sq c/o lo scraps

2019-08-21 09:53 lrm

Group entry: 2 animals
exercised - both flew 8x, no issues

2019-08-20 14:17 rmb
Leftovers: 455
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 464 g Squirrel, cut open

2019-08-20 10:11 bt

Group entry: 2 animals
Exercise 10x. Both birds completed flights with good perching. On 3 flights, one
bird stopped on ground halfway, walked many steps, then continued flight. Could
not see red tagging color on either bird.

2019-08-19 11:15 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 2 patients
477g SQ +vit+ca

2019-08-19 10:38 ces

Group entry: 2 animals

[22431] / HY / UNK - 10x, clumsy and loud flight.
[22696] / L # 8 & 9 red / HY / UNK - 10x, flew, glided, perched well.

2019-08-18 14:00 bah

Group treatment: 2 patients
526g SQ, NOLO

2019-08-18 10:47 FLM

Group entry: 2 animals
BAR for exercise.
both flew well 8x. 1 BLVU very noisy/forced flight, especially on takeoffs.

2019-08-17 13:42 LEH

Group entry: 2 animals
782g LO (r)

2019-08-17 12:15 rep/ah

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 506 g Squirrel total

2019-08-17 09:11 amp

Group entry: 2 animals
10X, flying well, at times would land about 3/4 length of enclosure (not crashing)
but would then fly back up to perch

2019-08-16 14:15 KF

Group treatment: 2 patients
517 g SQ(+vit +Ca); NOLO

2019-08-15 09:10 sc
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 5 animals
Food in cage: 320 g sq, 337 g sq/rabbit included 2 heads, 314g sq, 316 g r/sq, 319
g rabbit/r

Removed all skins; nolo

Exercise: All flew most lengths in full, there is one that usually only flies half way and then runs the remainder of the cage, though he can fly full lengths.

2019-08-14 12:18 RTS

Group entry: 5 animals
300,300,300,300,300g CutOpenSQ+Vit&Ca,NoLo

2019-08-14 10:00 cm/md

Group entry: 5 animals

Flew 8x total, one refused to fly after 5 laps

2019-08-13 10:07 me/ students

Group entry: 5 animals
Food in cage: 306, 211, 201, 218, 240 g Squirrel, cut open; lost of skins and ck
parts LO - rem
Exercise 10x.

Flight eval
Exam date - 2019-08-13
Examiner - me/ students
flew 10 x cage length, loud on take-off, struggling somewhat, gliding last 10-20'; slight asymmentry to wing position

2019-08-12 11:50 cm/md

Group entry: 5 animals

2 birds flying consistently low and not eager to fly. One bird flies halfway at normal
height before swooping upward towards ceiling. All flew 8x total

2019-08-12 11:30 bph
Leftovers: 1079
Group entry: 5 animals
Food in cage: 1600g ck/R

some LOs seemed older

2019-08-11 11:26 FLM

Group entry: 5 animals
BAR for exercise.
all flew well 8x.
one bird is more noisy/forced than others, but still flew well.
some would go to ground, but always returned to perch.

2019-08-11 03:15 KJL/RMB

Group treatment: 5 patients
311, 318, 320, 300, 301g SQ

2019-08-10 13:30 LEH

Group treatment: 5 patients
1600g SQ/R, NOLO

2019-08-10 08:54 amp

Group entry: 4 animals
1 - somewhat stubborn at start but flew later on (6X)
3 others - flew well with some soaring, around 6X, began to land (gracefully) on
ground before reaching perch, would fly up to perch and do the same next cage length

2019-08-09 10:28 cm/md

Group entry: 4 animals

All animals flew 9x in total, one bird was resistent to flying and would sometimes
fly half and run the rest of the lap. Another consistently would veer to the right
upon take off before correcting itself.

2019-08-09 10:00 ces/ksf/students

Group treatment: 4 patients
1000 g SQ, nolo

2019-08-08 12:15 sc,ces,me,rjo

Group treatment: 4 patients
300, 290, 245, 250g Sq lo scraps

2019-08-07 12:43 RTS

Group entry: 4 animals

2019-08-07 11:00 cm/md

Group entry: 4 animals
All flew a total of 8x, after lap 5 two individuals would drop to the floor halfway
through and run the rest of the way

2019-08-06 15:03 rmb
Leftovers: 971
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 1,205 g Squirrel, cut open

2019-08-06 10:25 me

Group entry: 4 animals

Flew 9 laps in total. 2 vultures became tired around lap 8 and flew to the ground

2019-08-05 11:45 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 4 patients
1277g SQ +vit+ca

2019-08-05 11:15 bph/cm/md

Group entry: 4 animals
2 grew tired after 8 laps. Flew well up to 5 laps, perch-to-perch, then reluctant
to fly for last 3 laps.
other 2 flew 10 laps, perch-to-perch, flew well, eager to fly.

2019-08-04 14:30 jmw/kf

Group treatment: 4 patients
1300 g Sq c/o, NOLO

2019-08-04 11:01 FLM

Group entry: 4 animals
BAR for exercise.
flew well 8x.
1 is forced, leaning hard to L side when flying. still soaring. went to ground and
ran last lap.

2019-08-03 14:10 LEH

Group treatment: 4 patients
1130g Sq, 460g LO skins (r)

2019-08-03 13:01 LEH

Group entry: 4 animals
Exercise 9x.Not the most graceful, occasionally runs into each other

2019-08-02 10:38 des/me

Group entry: 4 animals
All grabbed and weighed.
Moved to F6
Lots of old LO's removed.
Food in cage: 270+288+273+350 g SQ
Note: cannot distinguish between the three juveniles. There is one with a very minor
bump over midshafft left humerus that must be 22431 but it was so minor it is hard
to believe that is the same bird. None of the babies are colorized in any way unfortunately.

Weights for juveniles are: 2100, 1896, and 2070 grams

2019-08-01 11:55 fs/ces/rjo

Group treatment: 4 patients
1236g Sq c/o lo scraps

2019-07-31 11:53 RTS

Group entry: 4 animals

2019-07-30 15:16 rmb
Leftovers: 474
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 1,254 g Squirrel, cut open

[my error likely resulted in an additional 256 g SQ originally intended for R-10
to be placed in this cage]

2019-07-29 11:30 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 4 patients
1262g SQ +vit+ca

2019-07-28 14:00 KLH

Group treatment: 4 patients
1280g SQ C/O; NOLO

2019-07-27 11:07 AH/SAG

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 300-320 g Squirrel, cut open + vit + ca.

2019-07-27 11:07 AH/SAG

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 3089 g Squirrel/m, cut open.

2019-07-27 11:04 rep
Leftovers: 516
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 300-320 g Squirrel, cut open + vit + ca.

2019-07-27 10:00 rep

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 300-320 g Squirrel, cut open + vit + ca.

2019-07-26 11:00 ces/ksf

Group treatment: 4 patients
300, 303, 334, 352 g SQ with vit and ca, 570 g SQ lo(R)

2019-07-25 11:55 fs/ces/rjo

Group treatment: 4 patients
1258g Sq lo scraps

2019-07-24 12:01 RTS

Group entry: 4 animals

2019-07-23 15:00 rmb
Leftovers: 1028
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 1264 g SQ, cut open

2019-07-22 11:30 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 4 patients
1210g SQ +vit+ca

2019-07-21 14:33 ksf
Leftovers: 187
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 1155g R c/o

2019-07-20 13:05 LEH

Group treatment: 4 patients
1201g SQ, 314g LO (r)

2019-07-19 14:15 ksf/pb

Group treatment: 4 patients
1211 g SQ + m + vit/ca, Old LO(R)

2019-07-18 11:40 fs/mkf/rjo

Group treatment: 4 patients
1230g R c/o lo scraps

2019-07-17 11:44 RTS

Group entry: 4 animals

2019-07-16 14:58 lea
Leftovers: 265
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 1,259 g R, cut open

2019-07-15 12:00 dml
Leftovers: 356
Group treatment: 4 patients
1220g CK +vit+ca

2019-07-14 15:27 klh
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 1100g R c/o

2019-07-13 13:45 LEH/RMB/SC

Group treatment: 4 patients
1252g R cut open

2019-07-12 11:47 ksf

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 1282g R cut open +vit/cal, 184g R LO

2019-07-12 08:29 ces

Flying high perch to high perch but very asymmetrical.

2019-07-11 12:05 mkf/fs/rjo

Group treatment: 4 patients
1269g R c/o lo scraps

2019-07-10 11:45 RTS/PB
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 4 patients
1288 g c/o R

2019-07-09 11:30 nen/bt

Group treatment: 4 patients
1225 g R, nolo

2019-07-08 16:30 lea/bg/pb
Weight: 1929 grams
Group entry: 4 animals

Full extension, fx site solid
Food in cage: 1228 g R c/o

LO(R) just skin

2019-07-08 16:29 lea

Group move to: R28

2019-07-07 14:00 lea

Group treatment: 4 patients
1127 g R c/o Did not weigh LO skin

2019-07-06 13:30 LEH

Group treatment: 4 patients
1244g R, NOLO

2019-07-05 15:00 KF

Group treatment: 4 patients
1249 g R c/o(+vit +Ca); NOLO

2019-07-04 12:05 fs/mkf/rjo

Group treatment: 4 patients
1225g R c/o picked up lo

2019-07-03 13:33 RTS

Group entry: 4 animals

2019-07-02 11:30 RMB/NEN/BPH

Group treatment: 4 patients
1220 g R c/o - LO left in cage

2019-07-01 11:15 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 4 patients
1241g R +vit+ca

2019-06-30 13:00 je

Group treatment: 4 patients
1182 g R c/o, NOLO

2019-06-29 11:30 ah/rep
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 1300 g cut open rat

2019-06-28 15:00 KF

Group treatment: 4 patients
1214 g c/o R (+vit +Ca); NOLO

2019-06-27 12:50 fs/mkf/rjo

Group treatment: 4 patients
1227g R c/o

2019-06-26 12:48 RTS

Group entry: 4 animals

2019-06-25 15:22 rmb
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 1227 g cut open rat

2019-06-24 11:48 sat

Group entry: 4 animals
Added 221 g R for adult

2019-06-24 11:15 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 3 patients
932g R +vit+ca

2019-06-23 16:08 jmw/mm
Weight: 1976 grams
Tucking wings equally, actually difficult to feel humerus fx, very BAR, using wings to get on perches and not much down left on him at all.

NOLO, grabbed skins that were left from previous meals.

2019-06-22 14:00 Leh/Rmb
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 3 patients
926 g R

2019-06-21 14:15 KF

Group treatment: 3 patients
915 g R c/o (+vit +Ca); NOLO

2019-06-20 12:35 fs/rjo

Group treatment: 3 patients
866g R c/o

2019-06-19 13:02 RTS

Group entry: 3 animals

2019-06-18 14:25 bph/lea
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 971 g cut open rat

2019-06-17 11:15 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 3 patients
930g R +vit+ca

2019-06-16 13:30 rmb

Group treatment: 3 patients
956 g R c/o thru hatch LO(L)

2019-06-15 14:00 LEH

Group treatment: 3 patients
958g R. QAR (as determined through hole in screen).

2019-06-14 13:00 KF

Group treatment: 3 patients
906 g R c/o (+vit +Ca); NOLO

2019-06-13 12:25 fs/rjo/mkf

Group treatment: 3 patients
895g lR c/o lo scraps

2019-06-12 12:34 RTS

Group entry: 3 animals

2019-06-11 14:36 rmb
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 937 g cut open rat

2019-06-10 14:20 lea/kf
Weight: 2032 grams
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 325, 311, 325 g R c/o

Lots of old LO(R). Birds are very active and all feathers are still in blood. All
still have some down.

2019-06-09 13:30 kh

Group treatment: 3 patients
935 g R c/o, lots of old LO(R)

2019-06-08 11:40 rep

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 925 g R c/u TOTAL

2019-06-07 11:38 ksf
Leftovers: 2
Group entry: 3 animals
302g, 294g, 330g R +vit/cal

2019-06-06 12:30 fs/rjo

Group treatment: 2 patients
525g Q

2019-06-05 11:59 RTS

Group entry: 2 animals

2019-06-04 11:45 Bph

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 592g rat
leftovers present
very hissy

2019-06-04 09:21 ces/me

Group entry: 2 animals
decrease food amount

2019-06-03 11:15 dml
Leftovers: 200
Group treatment: 2 patients
840g R +vit+ca

2019-06-02 13:00 kh

Group treatment: 2 patients
802 g R c/o, thru hatch, LO(L)

2019-06-01 12:00 REP/SAG
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 2 patients
821 g R

2019-05-31 12:45 KF

Group treatment: 2 patients
840 g R c/o (+vit +Ca); NOLO

2019-05-30 12:00 mkf/ces/rjo

Group treatment: 2 patients
856g R c/o

2019-05-29 12:52 ksf

Group entry: 2 animals
396, 435 R cut open +vit/cal

2019-05-28 11:54 bph/me/nen

Group entry: 2 animals
864 g r c/o

2019-05-27 11:15 dml
Leftovers: 0
Group treatment: 2 patients
816g R +vit+ca

2019-05-27 10:48 me
Weight: 1702 grams

2019-05-26 14:00 pb

Group treatment: 3 patients
770, 449 g R c/o

2019-05-25 12:45 ah/rep
Leftovers: 488
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 1300 g cut open rat total

2019-05-24 13:00 lea/ksf
Leftovers: 324
Group treatment: 3 patients
1240 g R c/o

2019-05-24 09:44 DLE
Weight: 1619 grams, Leftovers: 902
Moved to R10 Large

2019-05-23 19:21 jmw/ae

Group entry: 2 animals
404 g fl r
food hatch

2019-05-23 10:05 mkf

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 404 g FL cutup small. LO's observed but did not enter

2019-05-22 21:11 RMB/BPH/TCR
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 420 g R FL cutup + vit + ca. USE FOOD HATCH. Weigh and change towels

2019-05-22 09:40 ksf
Weight: 1608 grams
Group entry: 2 animals
Very BAR. No mal-imprinting behavior noticed.
Removed 807 g old scraps.

Fed 418 g FL rat

2019-05-21 17:00 dr/var

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 204 g FL c/u thru hatch

2019-05-21 10:00 me/bph/bt

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 462 g FL cutup USE FOOD HATCH.

2019-05-20 17:44 MAR/RMB

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 407 g FL cutup
Hissing a little but mostly quiet. LOTS of LO, left in cage

2019-05-20 09:00 ksf

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 404 g FL thru hatch

2019-05-19 17:35 jmw/mm/kjl

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 200,201 g FL cutup + vit + ca. USE FOOD HATCH.

LOs left

2019-05-19 10:26 rh/laf
Weight: 1561 grams, Leftovers: 34
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 416 g FL c/u

Changed towels and collected LO's

2019-05-18 17:45 RMB/MM/JW

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 209 g FL R cutup

Babies were very quiet, made no noise when food was put through hatch. Do not know
if there is any LO

2019-05-18 10:10 sag

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 398 g FL cutup + vit + ca. USE FOOD HATCH.

2019-05-17 17:30 kf/sc

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 203, 204 g FL thru HATCH


2019-05-17 14:21 lea
Leftovers: 394
Group entry: 2 animals
Removed kennel and placed towels down. Birds BAR and vocal in back corner, standing.

2019-05-17 09:03 DLE

Group entry: 2 animals
415g Fl c/u
Lots of LO's - left

2019-05-16 18:51 jmw/ae

Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 403g c/u FL R, used foot hatch, LOs seen below, left them

2019-05-16 10:50 ces/me
Weight: 1285 grams, Keel score: 1.5
Previous care at NC Zoo: radiograph and wing wrap, fluids, meloxicam, butorphanol, tube feeding

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: BAR
Body condition score: 1.5
Left humerus: humerus fracture, large mass of scar tissue over fracture site
Feathers: in blood
Ectoparasites: none found

During exam, palpated humerus fracture of left wing. It is not very mobile - significant mass of scar tissue. No swelling or bruising. Not surgically repairable. This bird is not releasable but we will keep the baby to be a "sibling" to another juvenile BLVU.
Added 270 g FL cut-up.

Notes from zoo:
Intake exam evening 14 May (only significant findings reported): Wt 1.2 kg QAR, standing. KS 1.5/5, ophtho exam unremarkable, moderate frank blood in oral cavity (unknown source, no oral wounds), mild crackles bilaterally (worse on left) with some referred upper airway noise, murmur auscultated while under anesthesia (audible on both sides of keel), resolved when awake. Fracture of left humeral diaphysis with moderate-severe soft tissue swelling, over-riding of fragments and contraction of surrounding soft tissues. Presumed-puncture wound on medial aspect of fracture site. Searched for additional punctures - found 1cm bruise over right scapula.

PCV: 31%, TS 3.4
Rads (VD, H-view, L lat): L humeral fracture. Increased alveolar to interstitial pattern in left cranial lung field. Multiple left rib fractures (last 3 ribs, possibly 2nd rib). Left coracoid fracture w/ possible callus formation?
Tx: LRS 60 mL/kg + 2.5% dextrose + Vit B, meloxicam 1 mg/kg, ceftiofur CFA 15 mg/kg IM, butorphanol 1 mg/kg. Wing + body wrap placed.

Eye exam
Exam date - 2019-05-16
Examiner - ces/me
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
Left eye:

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